Analisis Potensi Wisata Industri Kreatif dan Strategi WOM (Word of Mouth) Sebagai Daya Dukung Objek Wisata di Daerah Pasca Bencana Lumpur Sidoarjo (Studi Kasus Wisata Pulau Lusi, Sidoarjo – Jawa Timur)

Wulandari, Sekar Ayu Mutia Ratna (2019) Analisis Potensi Wisata Industri Kreatif dan Strategi WOM (Word of Mouth) Sebagai Daya Dukung Objek Wisata di Daerah Pasca Bencana Lumpur Sidoarjo (Studi Kasus Wisata Pulau Lusi, Sidoarjo – Jawa Timur). Undergraduate thesis, Untag 1945 Surabaya.

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The disaster of the Sidoarjo mudflow that occurred in Sidoarjo Regency became a shocking tragedy. The mud that continues to flow for thirteen years is flowed through the Porong river to the estuary and forms a new island on the east coast of Sidoarjo with the name Sarinah Island which was later renamed the Sidoarjo Mud Island or Lusi Island. In this 94 ha island, Wanamina added an area of 4.90 ha. This pond is used to convert mud through substances contained in it to fish biota in the estuary, while the remaining land area of 89.10 Ha has not been used optimally. Lusi Island is managed by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries after being taken over from the Sidoarjo Mud Management Agency (BAPEL - BPLS) in 2017. KKP through the Directorate General of Sea Space Management developed Lusi Island as a Restoration Center and Mangrove learning program, as well as the KKP approved by LUSI as one of the post-disaster tourism objects in Sidoarjo. WOM (Word of Mouth) in marketing tourism objects after the Sidoarjo Mud disaster. The research used qualitative research methods and the data sources analyzed were the results of interviews with traders, visitors, village officials, tourism conscious groups, Kedung Pandan village, koramil, Sidoarjo tourism agency. The results showed that Lusi Island was attractive to be a tourist location for creative industries, this was related to the existence of beautiful natural scenery, increasing natural ecosystems, vast land around the pier, large parking lots, and other supporting facilities. WOM (Word of Mouth) is the right strategy to discuss Lusi island tourism as one of the attractions in the area after the Sidoarjo mud disaster, both carried out by managers and related agencies that help support information and education about Lusi Island. Thus it is undeniable that the tourism potential of the creative industry and the Word of Mouth strategy can be a carrying capacity for tourism objects in the area after the Sidoarjo Mud disaster.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Industri Kreatif, Word of Mouth, Objek Wisata, Pulau Lusi
Subjects: Q Science > Q Science (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis
Depositing User: Users 26 not found.
Date Deposited: 06 Jan 2021 04:02
Last Modified: 06 Jan 2021 04:02

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